Positions Likely to File A Claim

While any position has risks, there are certain job tasks that are much more risky and more likely to lead to occupational accidents that result in a workers' compensation claim.

Filing a Claim for These Positions

While the state policy on workers' compensation benefits and claims varies, the provision is reasonably clear. Workers' compensation includes financial insurance that cover the medical care expenses involved with your workplace injury recovery, and workers' compensation may cover nearly two-thirds of your daily income if you are unable to function under doctor's orders.

To begin the process of lawsuits, an employee must:

  • Notify the supervisor regarding accident at work (including the date, time, type of injury, and how the injury occurred)
  • The insurance provider will select a doctor from there to do an unbiased medical review. The findings will be submitted by the doctor to the insurance firm who uses the study to draw up a payout offer.

The procedure of workers' comp lawsuits and the statute of limitations varies slightly from state to state.

Work with A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you have suffered a severe work-related injury, it is a smart idea to appoint a workers' compensation attorney to manage your claim to ensure that you receive all the support you are entitled to.

You will also be advised by an attorney about your possible eligibility for other benefits, including vocational rehabilitation assistance, income compensation, and long-term disability insurance benefits. Fill out a free case evolution form to get help today!