Tips For Applying for Workers’ Comp. With an Injured Knee

If you were involved in an accident that resulted in an injured knee while at work, you are eligible to pursue a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation is a special insurance that covers medical expenses for treating the injury and it provides about two-thirds of your regular salary while you are unable to work as you recover.

Knee injuries can be painful and might result in extensive time off work. As an example, you were working in the factory when you slipped and twisted your leg, causing your knee to pop out and suffer ligament and tendon damage. You might need surgical intervention to recover from this injury. Here are a few tips for applying for workers’ compensation with an injured knee.

1. Get medical care for your injured knee as soon as possible.

Your employer should have a list of approved workers’ comp physicians posted. If you don’t see this list, ask a supervisor for a copy. Failing to see an approved doctor might result in your medical benefits not being covered by workers’ compensation.

2. Have x-rays, scans and the necessary diagnostic tests for your injured knee.

This will show if you have a broken patella, torn ligaments or tendons, cartilage damage, or some other injury. Your treating physician will order these tests to determine a treatment plan and to determine your restrictions or limitations regarding work. Sometimes an injured knee can lead to weeks or even months off work.

3. Notify your employer about your injured knee.

Tell a supervisor or human resources. Depending on state laws, you have anywhere from three days to 30 days to notify your employer of your workplace injury. Failure to do so in a timely fashion will lead to your claim being denied. Also, your employer will need to complete an accident report. You will have to give detailed statements about the accident and your injury for inclusion in this report. Get a copy of the accident report about your injured knee for your records.

4. Make sure your employer is aware of any witnesses.

These witnesses will need to give statements regarding what they saw. As an example, coworkers might have seen you slip and fall on the factory floor. You might have to get additional statements from these witnesses later in support of your claim.

5. Maintain thorough documentation.

Keep copies of medical records, document missed work, keep copies of the accident report and statements from witnesses. Keep records of everything regarding your injured knee and your workers’ compensation claim.

Tips For Applying for Workers’ Comp. With an Injured Knee

Consult With a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Regarding a Workers’ Comp Claim for an Injured Knee

If you have hurt your knee while at work, consult with a workers’ compensation attorney. Many workers’ comp claims are complicated and a legitimate claim for an injured knee might be denied. An attorney will ensure all paperwork is filed in a timely manner and that you have all documentation in order. Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form on this page today.