Hurt Working At Jamba Juice*

Were you hurt while on the job? If you were injured working at Jamba Juice, you may be eligible for workers compensation. Workers compensation is a program that pays for the medical bills and other expenses incurred by workers if they get hurt while they are working. You don’t have to pay for medical bills or other bills that result from a workplace injury.

Company Profile: Jamba Juice

Jamba Juice has been in business since 1990 and quickly become popular. Jamba Juice sells smoothies that are made from natural healthy ingredients. People who are committed to healthy eating can buy delicious healthy smoothies packed with natural fruits and vegetables instead of buying fast food when they need some energy on the go. Jamba Juice also offers nutritious bowls of vegetables and fruit too.

What To Do If You Were Injured Working At Jamba Juice

If you were hurt while working at Jamba Juice it’s very important that you take these steps right away. You must document your injury from the time of the incident in order for workers’ compensation to apply. Always do these things if you’ve been hurt working at Jamba Juice:

  • Get Medical Help
    Even if you don’t think your injury is serious you should get medical help right away. Seeing a doctor or emergency medical services will start a paper trail documenting the day and time of your injury, the seriousness of the injury, and more. You must have a paper trail documenting your injury.
  • Gather Evidence
    You should also gather as much evidence as you can from the scene of the accident so that you can demonstrate how the injury occurred. It’s a good idea to take photos or video of the area showing the conditions which may have contributed to the injury. You can do this while you wait for EMS or after you see the doctor if necessary. Also try to get witness statements or at least witnesses’ contact information.
  • Report The Injury
    Report the injury as soon as you can to your supervisor. Your supervisor will need to make a report detailing what happened. Make sure you are given a copy of that report.
  • Keep All Receipts
    Keep all the receipts for any money that you spend related to your injury. Co-pays for medical appointments or therapy sessions, over-the-counter medications, and other costs can be reimbursed by workers’ compensation but only if you can prove you paid money for those things. Also keep copies of your schedule and your pay stubs in case you have to prove that you were unable to work so you lost wages. You can be paid lost wages and all costs related to the injury.

Get Help With Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

You should also talk to a workers’ compensation attorney before you file your workers’ comp claim. An attorney can help you make sure that you have documented your injury fully and help you navigate the claims process. Fill out a Free Case Evaluation to get connected to an independent workers’ compensation attorney who may be able to help with your case.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Jamba Juice, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.