Can I Get Workers’ Compensation For Bursitis In My Knee?

There are many movements that take place at work that may involve repetitive actions. These sorts of actions over a long period of time could cause painful bursitis in the knee, making it difficult to perform a job to an employer’s requirements.

Just because bursitis in the knee is not caused by a work place accident it doesn’t mean you are not entitled to receive workers’ compensation. You are entitled to this financial benefit.

The only difficulty that could arise is proving the condition of bursitis in your knee was caused by the conditions at your workplace. If you believe that your bursitis in the knee is work related you should discuss the matter with a workers’ compensation attorney who will help you with your claim.

What is Bursitis in the Knee?

Bursitis in the knee is a painful condition. It develops when the bursa in your knee, which is a lubricating sac found between your knee’s tendons, joints and muscles, becomes swollen and inflamed from overuse. This causes excruciating pain in the area. The bursal sac’s role is to decrease friction by lubricating these areas but when the knee is overused the lubricating function becomes less than it should be.

The only way to cure bursitis in the knee is through rest, the application of steroid injections, taking anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy. It is important to begin a treatment program as fast as possible and to cease all work so as to speed up the recovery process.

What to Do If You Suffer From Bursitis in Your Knee

It is crucial in these situations to receive workers’ compensation benefits so you can be compensated for your inability to work. The first step to follow is getting a medical report from your physician that shows your job has caused the bursitis in your knee. This should help demonstrate you are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits for the duration of your recovery period. Ask a supervisor for the list of doctors approved by your company to treat you.

Can I Get Workers’ Compensation For Bursitis In My Knee?

Workers’ Compensation Cover for Bursitis in the Knee

All states have workers’ compensation laws covering most employees. Their aim is to provide financial benefits to people who have been injured or become sick while in the course of their duties at work. A worker who is able to prove an injury like bursitis in the knee has been caused at work should get financial compensation for medical treatment and loss of wages while recovery is taking place.

One of the usual ways that bursitis in the knee typically develops at work is because repetitive motions are in use day in and day out. However, other activities at home could cause this condition as well. This means to ensure your bursitis in the knee happened at work you will need to provide adequate evidence to prove that yours is work related so that you can get workers’ comp. payments while you recover from the injury.

Talk to a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Often, an employer won’t quickly accept evidence that your bursitis of the knee was caused due to your job and may deny your workers’ compensation claim. This is when an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve so that you make a speedy recovery. Complete the Free Case Evaluation to be connect with a lawyer to review your case.

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