Workers’ Comp. for Cracked Ribs While Working at McDonald’s*

Workers’ compensation for injuries sustained while working for any large employer like McDonald’s is available on application after an accident. Compensation helps to pay for medical treatment and any earnings that have been lost because of absence from work as a result of the severity of the injury.

Cracked ribs after a slip and fall injury in a McDonald’s is an example of an injury that should attract workers’ compensation. You do need to stick to time limits for filing a workers’ compensation claim and supply the right paperwork.

You may also find that a workers’ compensation attorney can help with your claim if you have trouble knowing what to do.

Cracked Ribs After a Workplace Accident in McDonald’s

McDonald’s is one of the world’s largest corporate employers, employing hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. and the world.

Many McDonald’s employees cook, prepare and serve food in McDonald’s restaurants, while others work in distribution centers, and regional headquarters around the country.

A cracked rib, as an injury, is typically an injury sustained after a slip and fall type accident, especially if the worker falls heavily on something hard while falling.

Cracked ribs take several weeks to heal sufficiently well to be able to return to work to do anything that is quite physical, like lifting, cooking, carrying and standing up for hours on end.

It is possible that McDonald’s office workers may return sooner, with good bandaging, rib support and medication to relieve pain. Workers’ compensation would be needed to pay for medical treatment and lost earnings.

The Workers’ Compensation Process After an Accident at McDonald’s

Each state has slightly different procedures for workers’ compensation, so it is important to find out exactly what to do after an accident at work in the state you work in.

You must let your supervisor know about the injury, even if it is through a work colleague, or your doctor.

Most McDonald’s are independently operated franchises and may require you to use an authorized doctor and / or medical center for treatment.

There will be an accident report to complete once discharged from hospital. It is important that this is filled in within the state allotted time limit as it is an important piece of evidence for your claim.

The state will also have a time limit within which a workers’ comp. claim must be submitted, commonly two or three years from the date of the accident.

Sometimes, the employer lets its insurer know about the claim after an accident report has been completed. It is best to get started with the claim as soon as you can.

Make sure that you provide as much paper work as you need, especially things like medical reports and invoices for medical treatment.

Cracked Ribs While Working at McDonalds

Why a Workers’ Comp. Lawyer Can Help With a WC Claim

Not all workers’ compensation claims are straightforward. WC attorneys can help to advise you of any state specific rules for filing a claim and will be invaluable if you have any problems with your claim or it is denied by a McDonald’s insurer for some reason.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against McDonald’s, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.