I Got Hurt Working For Dillard's. What Do I Do?*

Working at Dillard’s can be an excellent experience. You may work in cosmetics. You may be a sales rep. You may be a cashier. Regardless, Dillard’s offers a lot of opportunities.

However, think about your paycheck. If you were hurt on the job, could you afford to take care of your family? What would you do about the incoming and unexpected medical bills?

Even if you have health insurance, you may not be prepared to pay large deductibles to get the insurance to pay their fault.

How Workers’ Compensation Helps Hurt Workers

Workers’ compensation is an insurance policy that is legally required by every state. This means that most employers must carry it. There is no charge for the employees to file a claim when they get hurt on the job.

If you’re hurt during your shift at Dillard’s, you are eligible to file a claim with workers’ compensation to receive benefits.

However, the benefits that you may receive will depend on your injury. Workers’ compensation can help you with your medical benefits, lost wages if you are unable to work either temporarily or permanently, or job training if you are unable to return to your chosen career.

Dillard's Supermarket Chain Workers' Comp Lawyer

Company Profile: Dillard’s

Dillard’s is a well-known department store. Dillard’s is owned by Dillard’s Inc. There are 330 stores. Dillard’s is headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The company has 21,600 employees.

Risks Faced by Dillard’s Employees

Although working for Dillard’s can certainly be an enjoyable experience, there are some risks. The risks that you face may relate directly to your daily job duties.

Below you will find a list of common positions and the risks of on the job injury that you may face:

  • Warehouse workers: Workers who load and unload trucks space special risks. They are at risk of experiencing soft tissues injuries, such as muscle tears and sprains, from moving heavy boxes.

    A slip and fall from a leaking package can lead to a severe injury.

    Constantly repeating the same motions,such as unloading a truck, can cause you to develop repetitive stress injury.

  • Cosmetologists: If you work as a cosmetologist, you are exposed to chemicals on a daily basis. Chemicals can burn your skin, eyes, nose, or throat.

    Some chemicals can cause you to develop a disease. A slip and fall because of spilled perfume or makeup can cause you to hit your head or hurt your back.

  • Retail employees and cashiers: Employees assigned to the sales floor and who work as cashiers have risks as well. Getting items from high shelves for customers can hurt your neck, shoulders, or back.

    Products could fall from the shelves and injure you. A slip and fall can break a bone or cause long lasting injury. Cashiers can develop repetitive stress injury.

Don’t Wait – Learn More About Workers’ Compensation

If you’re hurt during your shift at Dillard’s, don’t wait. You should file your workers’ compensation claim right away.

Contact a workers’ compensation attorney to learn more about your rights under the law.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Dillard's, you may not be entitled to any compensation.