Qualifying for Workers’ Comp After an Injury at Apple*

When working for one of the top 10 largest tech companies in the world, it can seem impossible to that there’d ever be a real danger of injury. However, like at any job, accidents are very possible and can be very serious when they occur.

If you were recently injured while working at Apple, you may be entitled to financial support for your recovery through the workers’ compensation program. Continue below to learn more about common causes of injury, and how you can begin writing your request letter.

History of Apple

Apple’s history famously began in the 1970’s, when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak partnered up to begin selling homebuilt, personally designed computers to a local computer store.

After years of innovation, experimentation, and design, today Apple is one of the most recognizable companies in the world. After a literal billions of products sold with an average annual revenue of $215 billion, Apple only continues to grow.

Potential Hazards of Working at Apple

Injured at Apple?

Because Apple is an incredibly large company, there are a wide variety of positions available. Each of these positions carries with them potential hazards for accidents:

  • Apple store employees: Working at the Apple store is typically a low-demand job physically. However, like any store, things like falling supplies in the store room, unexpected cleaning supplies near a bathroom, or errant wires can be the result of an unexpected trip, slip, or fall.
  • Engineering and mechanical employees: Those who spend time testing products and handing parts are at higher risk for more unique injuries. Working with machines, soldering equipment, and small parts can make for a fragile and potentially dangerous work environment.
  • Customer service and corporate employees: Those with sit-down jobs (over-the-phone support, coding, engineering, etc.) are more prone to injuries over time, such as back, shoulder, and joint problems. Even with sufficient break time, aging bodies are prone to more stiff, pained muscles that can develop into more serious injuries if left untreated.

After your work injury, the first thing you should do is document everything that happened before and during the incident. Take pictures of the injury if it is visible, as well as pictures of the Apple site where it occurred. Write down your account of the incident, and try to get testimonies of any coworkers that witnessed it as well. Lastly, compile any medical bills or hospital records that you can provide to show how much your injury has cost you. After these are settled, you can follow a template to begin writing your official request for workers’ compensation.

Considering a Workers’ Comp Attorney

Writing a workers’ comp request letter can be confusing if you aren’t familiar with the legal wording and format. Before you start your letter to Apple and their insurance, consider consulting with a workers’ comp attorney for some advice or possible representation. Their service is designed to help people like you make the best case possible when filing for financial compensation. Even if your first attempt is not approved, workers’ comp attorneys can support you the whole way through until you get the benefits you deserve.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Apple, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.