What is Modified Work?

Modified work is also called light-duty work. Modified work is when you are temporarily assigned to do work that is different from your normal work. This often happens when you are unable to perform the functions of your normal job, because of an illness or injury you sustained on-the-job. Often you are placed on light-duty because it was mandated by workers’ comp. When you are on light-duty, you will need a doctors release turned in to your company before you can resume your normal duties.

How Can You Receive a Modified Work Assignment?

A lawyer may assist you in obtaining a modified work assignment if you have been injured and filed a workers’ comp claim. If your doctor releases you to do certain tasks but restricts you from others a lawyer can negotiate with your company to see if it can give you a different job duty to perform until you are healed or it has been determined that your injury is permanent. You may be required to submit doctor’s excuses to remain on light duty. You attorney can help make sure that you are aware of the requirements you need to meet to remain on light duty and help you make sure you submit the proper paperwork in a timely manner.

Here's a little more information on the paperwork you'll need when filing a workers' compensation claim.

Why do You Need a Lawyer to Help You?

A lawyer can notify you of your rights and responsibilities for obtaining modified working arrangements. Your workers' compensation attorney can explain any offers to you once they are received from the company so you will know what you need to do to maintain compliance with company and legal statutes. It will be harder for your company to deny you light-duty work if you have proper legal representation from the beginning of your workers’ comp case.