I Hurt My Back While Working at Safeway*

If you were working at Safeway when you suffered a hurt back, you may be able to pursue a claim for workers’ compensation benefits through Safeway’s WC insurer.

However, insurers often try to find a reason not to pay WC so it is helpful if you consult a workers’ compensation attorney before proceeding with your claim.

Causes of a Hurt Back in a Workplace

Safeway is a busy grocery store, employing workers in a variety of different roles, all of which could cause a hurt back.

A shelf stacker may fall off a step ladder while refilling shelves, a delivery driver may be asked to load heavy boxes, an administrative worker may suffer from a hurt back due to repetitive motions, a cleaner could slip and fall on a slippery substance left on the floor.

Most hurt backs on the job are caused by either twisting or overextending the spine while pushing, pulling, or lifting something.

A work-related hurt back is often painful and often requires extended recovery after long term treatment. Some of the most common work-related back injuries are:

  • spinal cord damage;
  • pinched nerves;
  • lower back strain;
  • herniated, slipped or bulging discs;
  • fractured vertebrae.

How to File a WC Claim

The first action to take after an injury at work that causes a hurt back is to seek medical treatment, which could involve calling an ambulance to get to the nearest emergency room.

Your employer may ask you to go to a medical facility approved by it if you wish your medical treatment to be paid through workers’ compensation.

The next step is to report your hurt back to your supervisor, in writing, if possible.

Often employers require that the report is submitted by a set time following the accident.

Your employer may provide you with the workers’ compensation claim form.

If not, you should be able to get one from your local Department of Labor.

You will have to include specific information about your injury as follows:

  • the type of back injury;
  • date, time and place of the injury;
  • details of anyone else involved in the accident;
  • how your hurt back accident took place;
  • the medical treatment received for the hurt back.

I Hurt My Back While Working at Safeway*

You should include in your WC application evidence to support that your hurt back took place while at work. This could include the following:

  • co-workers testimonials in writing confirming you hurt your back at work;
  • physicians medical report with diagnosis and likely recovery time;
  • a copy of the report you filed with your supervisor;
  • receipts for medical treatment you have paid for;
  • X-rays and scans showing the back injury;
  • photos taken at the accident scene;
  • in-house security camera footage.

Your WC claim will be assessed by the Safeway WC insurer.

You will be informed in writing if your claim has been successful and how much compensation you may expect to receive.

If the insurer has denied your claim, you may require a workers’ comp. attorney to help you file an appeal.

How an Attorney Can Help With Your Claim

To help to ensure your WC compensation claim is successful, you will need to discuss your case with a workers’ comp attorney.

Getting an attorney to work on your behalf means that you are far more likely to receive a favorable settlement and the attorney can file an appeal on your behalf if your claim is denied.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Safeway, or any other company, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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