How Much is a Nerve Damage Settlement Worth?

If you have suffered nerve damage because of a workplace accident, you are experiencing some life-altering symptoms. You might be affected by this injury for years to come, or for the rest of your life. Because of that, you need to make sure you document everything, maintain evidence, and follow proper protocol when pursuing a workers’ compensation benefits claim.

Workers’ compensation is a complicated program, and each state sets its own laws regarding the special insurance that is maintained by employers for their workers. Workers’ compensation is designed to protect employers as well as workers because of workplace accidents and illnesses.

What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?

Workers’ compensation laws do vary from one state to another, but some benefits are universal. As an example, workers’ compensation includes medical benefits coverage. This means that your medical care will be covered by the insurance. However, a special list of approved physicians is available from your employer. If you do not see a provider that is included on that list, your medical expenses will not be covered.

A portion of your wages, usually about two-thirds of them, are covered while you are unable to work. This is to help you with your living expenses. In some cases, workers’ compensation might offer vocational retraining services if you cannot return to the same job. If you will be out of work for a long time, or you cannot return to work, you might be able to get a lump sum settlement to cover your future expenses and losses. Sometimes, you will be awarded a lump sum settlement based on your percentage of disability, which based on a rating established by your treating physician after you are released from treatment.

How Much is a Nerve Damage Settlement Worth?

Determining the Value of Your Settlement

Workers’ compensation claims work differently than a personal injury claim. These claims do vary from one case to another and are dependent on the specifics surrounding your case. Of course, the workers’ compensation laws in your state play a significant role. Also, the kind of accident, how the accident took place, your injuries and the severity of those injuries are also given consideration.

Workers’ compensation settlements do not allow for the same damages as a personal injury claim, so you will not receive pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, or loss of consortium compensation. Non-economic damages are not awarded for workplace injuries. Your injuries resulting from a workplace accident that is eligible for a workers’ compensation claim will not have the same value as a similar accident that did not occur in a work environment and that leads to a personal injury claim.

Consult With A Workers’ Compensation Attorney

The only way to get a fair assessment of your workers’ compensation claim and to get a fair estimate regarding the value of your settlement is to consult with a workers’ compensation attorney. These lawyers work on a contingency basis, so you have nothing to lose. Get your case reviewed today!