What If Light Duty Work Causes Me Unnecessary Mental Stress?

Suffering a workplace injury can be stressful. If you have recovered enough to be given the okay to return to light duty with restrictions, you should not be subjected to unnecessary mental stress. If you return to light duty work, it should not be a trying or stressful event. You might be able to pursue a workers’ compensation claim for the mental stress depending on your state laws and the situation. If you must seek medical care for the psychological and mental treatment of stress, you can file a claim with your employer’s workers’ comp insurance.

Because workers’ comp claims are complicated, especially those involving stress and trauma. Here are some things to consider when pursuing a workers’ compensation claim for mental stress:

  • Has the stress led to an impairment of the permanent nature?
  • Was the stress higher than normal for that specific role?
  • Can it be proven your stress was related to the work?

If those answers were yes, then you can have a successful workers’ compensation claim. Your healthcare provider treating you for the mental condition will most likely indicate you are unable to work in that light duty role, so you will begin getting temporary disability benefits again, or you might be transferred to a less stressful light duty role.

How Can The Workplace Be Stressful?

Light duty work is designed to be less physically demanding, but if it is a job that you aren’t used to, or if you have a demanding supervisor, it can become mentally demanding. In this case, you need to report the mental stress to your workers’ compensation attorney and to your employer right away.

Your lawyer will tell you how to proceed and will have contact with your employer and their workers’ compensation insurance company. With an attorney’s help, you can alleviate the situation and get your mental health back in line. You can get access to the care that you need and to the benefits that you need with the help of a workers’ compensation attorney.

What If Light Duty Work Causes Me Unnecessary Mental Stress?

Consult With A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you suffered a workplace injury and you were released to return to light duty work, but that light duty work has caused you unnecessary mental stress, you should consult with a workers’ compensation attorney. With the help of a workplace injury lawyer, you can get access to the benefits that you are entitled to receive from workers’ compensation, and you can help reduce the stress you suffer from the new job role.

Workers’ compensation attorneys work on a contingency basis, so you have nothing to lose. With the help of a lawyer, your odds of a successful claim increase significantly. Your attorney will not be paid until you receive a settlement for your workers’ compensation claim. Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form to have your claim reviewed by a workers’ comp lawyer who practices in your state. A strict statute of limitations does apply, so don’t delay.

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