I Hurt My Back While Working at the Marriott*

The Marriot, like most workplaces, tries to protect its employees from accidents and injuries.

This does not stop all accidents taking place and when a employee has a hurt back from a fall s/he may not be able to return to work for a long period of time.

Fortunately, the Marriott should have workers’ compensation insurance coverage.

This helps to relieve the financial burden while unable to work. When filing a claim for WC it is useful to consult a WC attorney who can work on your behalf to get your WC entitlement.

Typical Causes of a Hurt Back

A hurt back could leave you completely incapacitated and unable to work whether you are employed as a porter, security guard, restaurant worker, administrative worker or cleaner you will find it difficult to work.

You may have tripped when entering or exiting an elevator, slipped on a slippery restaurant floor or asked to carry heavy baggage. All of these could cause a hurt back.The typical injuries that cause a hurt back are:

  • bulging, herniated, and slipped discs which can be caused while you are turning or twisting to lift an object;
  • fractured vertebrae caused by a falling object from above;
  • pinched nerves in the back, neck, wrists and elbows often caused by repetitive actions working at a computer;
  • spinal cord damage could take place if a Marriott employee falls down a flight of stairs.

What to Do if You Hurt your Back Working at the Marriott

The first action to take following a hurt back is to get medical treatment.

You may have to use the services of a Marriott approved physician and hospital.

The next thing to do is to report your hurt back to your supervisor, preferable in writing.

Some employees have a deadline set for submitting the report so failing to do conform to this could mean you may not be eligible to apply for workers’ compensation.

To make the WC claim’s process easier your employer may provide you with the official WC claim form otherwise you can get one from your state’s workers' compensation board. You will need to provide the following information:

  • the type of back injury;
  • time and date of the injury;
  • where in the Marriott you hurt your back;
  • details of anybody else involved in the accident;
  • how your hurt back occurred;
  • the medical treatment so far administered for the hurt back.

All WC claims require evidence to back up the claim.

I Hurt My Back While Working At The Marriot

Evidence to Support your WC claim

This could include the following:

  • the physician’s medical report describing your hurt back injury and its cause;
  • surveillance camera footage;
  • photographs taken at the accident site;
  • eye-witness written reports of the accident;

As soon as your WC claim has been assessed by Marriott’s insurer, you will be told in writing if your claim has been successful and how much compensation you will receive.

If your WC claim has been denied, you will need a workers’ comp. attorney to help you file an appeal.

How an Attorney Can Help With Your Claim

To improve your chances of WC compensation, you will need to consult with a workers’ comp attorney.

Having an attorney working on your behalf means that you are far more likely to receive a favorable settlement and the attorney can lodge an appeal on your behalf if your claim is denied.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against the Marriott, or any other company, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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