Do I Need an Attorney for a WC Submission?

Suffering a workplace injury can be devastating in many ways because you aren’t able to work you’re injured and you may soon start to suffer money problems. Workers’ comp. may not always be automatic but in most states it’s a right that shouldn’t be ignored.

There are a number of obstacles to cross when submitting a workers’ compensation claim, and quite often not all employers and their insurance companies are willing to provide workers with the WC benefits they are legally entitled to receive.

To ensure your WC rights are protected, it’s advisable to talk to a workers’ comp. attorney before submitting a WC claim.

The Grounds for Filing a WC Submission Without an Attorney

Whatever your injury and who or whatever caused it you are usually eligible for workers’ compensation for the time you are unable to go to work.

If your injury is simple to understand and indisputable you may get by without the help of an attorney such as:

  • Your workplace injury was minor
  • You didn’t miss much work due to your injury
  • Your employer is willing to admit that your injury took place at work.

Even in the above situations employers aren’t always willing to cooperate and you should have a workers’ comp. attorney close at hand to help you if you need it. Your employer and its insurer will have an experienced attorney to represent them.

What May a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Do for Me?

You can’t sit around and hope the workers’ comp. will just drop into your pocket as it takes a little more than just waiting to get the cash.

There are time frames involved that your WC lawyer can manage for you such as the law says you have no more than 120 days to report your injury to your employer. This time frame starts from the injury date.

If you do not provide notice within the 21 days of the occurrence of the injury you won’t be able to get workers’ compensation benefits until the date that you finally do give notice, as long as it fits within the 120 days time frame. If you are later than this, it’s unlikely you will be able to file a submission at all.

A workers’ compensation attorney may do either of the following:

  • Ensure all necessary paperwork is filed before the deadline;
  • Ensure you have reliable documentary evidence from the physician treating your showing the severity of the injury.

Do I Need an Attorney for a WC Submission?

When Should I Hire a Workers’ Comp. Attorney?

The following points are the times when a workers’ comp. claim may be hard and you may need a WC attorney close at hand:

  • If your employer, or its insurance provider, denies your right to workers’ compensation.
  • If payment is approved for medical bills, but not lost wages.
  • If your claim is accepted on a temporary basis for 90 days if it’s not absolutely clear if your injuries took place at work.
  • If your claim is denied in the absence of any evidence found on the job site that proves you were inured there.
  • If the insurer tries to force you to seek treatment from a physician on a specific list.

Call a Workers’ Comp. Attorney Now

An attorney can help ensure that you get the maximum amount of workers’ comp. benefits. Every day, insurers deny valid WC claims, leaving families with no cash and nowhere to turn to.

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