Workers Compensation for a Walmart Materials Handler*

Most customers at a large Walmart are unaware of the jobs that go on behind the store area. Jobs like materials handling can be risky at times as often large parcels and packets must be handled and goods sorted. If an accident happens at work, Walmart employees, including materials handlers, are covered by workers’ compensation insurance.

This protects them from financial disadvantage when they have an injury or illness that is work related. It is advisable to use a workers’ compensation attorney if considering making a claim. If a claim is denied for any reason, a common occurrence, it is almost impossible dealing with the legal process of an appeal without an attorney’s assistance.

Possible Workplace Injuries if You Work as a Walmart Materials Handler

Materials handlers are normally busy in the warehouse handling incoming goods, unpacking parcels, moving them from place to place and sorting them for labeling and eventually moving them into a store for stacking on the shelves or presenting them in an area for sale. Typical injuries are hernias from heavy lifting, back injuries, injuries sustained form the impact of falling heavy objects and injuries from the use of sorting and lifting equipment. Any of these injuries may mean medical treatment in a hospital or other medical center and several days or weeks off work recovering.

A Walmart Materials Handler Workers Compensation Payment After a Workplace Accident

Materials handlers earn anywhere from $12 an hour up to $18 an hour depending on the level of skill required for the job and the exact job description and years of service in the company. To take an example of how workers’ compensation payments are calculated, let’s say that the employee in question earns $15 / hour and has a hernia. Medical treatment is expected to be paid in full.

The earnings component is calculated at an average of two thirds of what might have been paid if the handler had been able to go to work as normal. In this example, if the employee is off work for 12 days, he /she should be paid two thirds of 15 x 12 x 8, assuming a typical 8 hour working day. The earnings component in this case would be $960.

Workers Compensation for a Walmart Materials Handler*

Why it Makes Sense to Use a WC Attorney

A WC attorney can provide valuable legal advice before submitting a claim, and is invaluable if an appeal has to be made after a denied claim. Most WC attorneys provide free initial consultations in which the accident and procedure can be discussed. Legal fees are usually deferred until a settlement has been made with the insurer. This can be a comforting thought if there is a need for a long drawn out appeal involved.

Additional Resources

The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Walmart or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.