Help! I was Injured at Wabash National Corporation*

Wasbash National Corporation employees face the risk of getting hurt on the job. Think about your current expenses. Do you have a savings account? Have you saved enough money to cover your monthly expenses if you’re unable to work because of an on-the-job injury? Many people believe that their health insurance will help them if they have an on-the-job injury.

While they may receive some assistance, it’s often not enough particularly for people who can’t work while they are recovering. Health insurance policies often include extremely expensive deductibles. Getting hurt on the job can turn your life upside down.

How Injured Workers Can Get Help

If you’re hurt on the job, you should consider filing a workers’ compensation claim through your employer. Most employers are required by state law to carry a workers’ compensation policy that will assist workers like you who are hurt during their shift. There’s no cost to workers. You may be eligible to receive assistance with your medical expenses, lost wages, and even job training if you will not be able to return to your previous occupation.

However, to qualify for any benefits, you must first file a claim. Workers’ compensation is a wonderful safety net designed to protect you.

 Worker's Comp Lawyer

Company Profile: Wabash National Corporation

Wabash National Corporation manufactures industrial trailers and liquid transportation systems in North America. They are headquartered in Lafayette, Indiana. They have 6,000 employees. They have 11 locations in the United States.

Risks Faced by Wabash National Corporation Workers

Depending on your job, you will face risk on a daily basis. Wabash National Corporation hires executives to handle business affairs and also hires manufacturing professionals to work within their assembly plants.

For instance, if you work in management or as an accountant, you still face risks. Every day you perform the same tasks using the same small movements with your hands, wrists, shoulders, and arms. You are at high risk of suffering from a repetitive stress injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. A repetitive stress injury may seem minor, and sometimes they are. However, some are so severe that they require physical therapy or even surgery. A slip and fall is also a real risk in any work environment. If you’re in the cafeteria, a small puddle of water or a piece of ice can lead you to falling on the hard floor and hurting your back and neck or even hitting your head.

Those who work in manufacturing face serious risks to their well-being. Hand-tools can slip or jam and can cause you to hurt yourself. Using heavy machinery can cause you to have your hand, leg, or even hair pulled in. Working with or around chemicals for liquid transport units can cause chemical burns to your skin, eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.

Learn About Workers’ Compensation

If you’re hurt during your shift at Wabash National Corporation, you may have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim. To learn more about workers’ compensation and your legal rights, you should speak with a qualified workers’ compensation attorney. A workers' comp attorney will not be paid unless you win your claim.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Wabash National Corporation, you may not be entitled to any compensation.