I Got Hurt Working for Valvoline. What Are My Options?*

Valvoline Instant Oil Change is one of the best known drive-in oil change facilities in the United States. Every day, employees of Valvoline go to work and face risks to their safety and health.

If you work for Valvoline and were hurt on the job, could you continue to make the ends meet each month? Do you have enough money in savings to support your family while paying for enormous medical bills that resulted from your injury?

Even if you have health insurance, you could be stuck with expensive deductibles for surgeries, therapy, or a hospital stay.

No one plans to get hurt on the job, but when it happens, it is financially devastating.

Workers’ Compensation Can Help

Every state has a law on the books that requires most employers to have workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance is provided without cost to employees. The objective of the insurance is to protect injured employees from financial ruin.

If you’re hurt on the job and file a claim, you may receive help with your medical costs (including surgeries and therapy), a portion of your lost wages if you are unable to work, and has other benefits.

However, the only way you will qualify to receive any benefits from workers’ compensation is if you choose to file a claim after you’re injured.

Company Profile: Valvoline Instant Oil Change

Valvoline Instant Oil Change is a trademarked name. They are more commonly known as Valvoline. Valvoline has around 930 locations throughout the United States.

Their corporate office is located in Lexington, Kentucky.

Risks Faced by Valvoline Instant Oil Change Workers

Valvoline Instant Oil Change Worker's Comp Lawyer

Valvoline Instant Oil Change Workers primarily change the oil in vehicles that are brought in. However, some also do other maintenance tasks related to vehicles, such as adding more transmission fluids, changing headlights, and installing windshield wiper blades.

Most Valvoline locations have a bay with steps that lead to a place under the vehicle to allow workers to change the oil without the danger of standing under a mechanical lift.

While this is a fairly good practice, it does not totally eliminate all of the risk associated with working at Valvoline. Some other risks include:

  • Slip and fall – Working at Valvoline means working around slick fluids.

    Even when kitty litter or other granules are placed on a spill, the floor can remain slick. Slipping in oil or even water can lead to back injuries, head injuries, and broken bones.

  • Chemical burns – Working long term with oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and other caustic liquids can cause chemical burns.

    It’s not just your skin, either. The fumes from these items (and even chemicals used to clean the shop) can lead to eye irritation, burns in the lungs, and breathing problems.

    You may need to be hospitalized or need breathing treatments.

  • Joint injuries – Standing, bending, lifting, and reaching over and over again can cause you to develop a repetitive stress injury to a joint.

    Common joint injuries include wrists, shoulders, neck, back, and knees. You may need a brace, surgery, medication, or therapy to recover from your injury.

Protect Your Legal Rights

If you’re hurt on the job at Valvoline Instant Oil Change, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim to get help with the expenses caused by the injury.

If you have questions about workers’ compensation, how to file a claim, or about your legal rights, you should make time to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney right away.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Valvoline, you may not be entitled to any compensation.