WC Claim if Injured in an Ollie’s Bargain Outlet*

You probably always felt that your place of employment was safe but one day you have an accident and end up in a hospital bed or back at home recuperating. This can be exceptionally stressful on the grounds that medical expenses are so expensive that they are difficult to pay.

Your inability to go to work could mean you lose wages too. If you were working for Ollie’s Bargain Outlet and that is the place you were injured, you should find that you can claim workers’ comp. to cover the cost of your medical treatment and a certain percentage of your wages or salary.

You should discuss the matter with an individual workers’ compensation lawyer who will help to determine your eligibility for workers’ comp.

Ollie’s Bargain Outlet Company Profile

Ollie's Bargain Outlet was founded in 1982 in the United States by Morton Bernstein. The 1st store opened its doors in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. The chain today can now be found at 213 locations. Ollie's Bargain Outlet typically deals in surplus goods from a variety purchased from various manufacturers, retailers or suppliers from within the country.

Some of which are bankruptcy sales. Its headquarters an be found in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and it sells books, food, flooring materials, toys, electronics, hardware, clothing, garden and lawn supplies, health and beauty products, sporting goods, automotive products and pet supplies.

Hourly Wages at Ollie’s Bargain Outlet

  • customer service supervisor: $10.79 an hour;
  • sales supervisor: $11.45 an hour;
  • retail store assistant manager: $13.55 an hour;
  • sales associate: $8.55 an hour.

There are many more different types of job openings than the ones mentioned in the list above so these are just a selection. These amounts are significant because they help when calculating the amount of worker’s compensation if any one of the employees at Ollie’s Bargain Outlet is injured at work.

 Ollie’s Bargain Outlet Workers' Compensation

Estimating Your Workers’ Compensation Claim for Lost Wages

Workers’ compensation settlements are calculated based on the amount of financial hardship that is likely to be encountered by the worker when time has to be taken off work for treatment of the injuries. This means the workers’ compensation payment covers the cost of medical treatment for the workplace injury or illness and about 2/3 of any lost earnings that the worker will have received prior to the accident.

A sales supervisor earning, $11.45 per hour may receive in workers’ comp. $7.67 per hour. This works out to be $61.36 for an 8 hour day and $306. 81 for a 5 day week. Obviously, if the injured employee only worked part-time he or she would receive 2/3 of the amount earned over a normal week.

When an Attorney can be Helpful

Making a workers' comp. claim can be disappointing if you don’t know what to include as proof that your injury took place at work. It is important to provide as much supporting documentation as you can. This includes eye witness accounts of how the accident happened and detailed receipts of what you have been asked to pay for medical treatment.

If you are finding this is all too much to handle on your own you should talk to an experience worker’s comp attorney. This will ensure you provide the right documentation, so that your workers’ comp claim does not get rejected.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Ollie's Bargain Outlet, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.