Workers’ Comp. for Bursitis While Working at McDonald’s*

Many manual jobs involve repetitive actions. Doing the same type of job day in, day out may result in painful injuries like bursitis. Bursitis can develop in important joints like the hip, elbows, knees and shoulders.

Painful bursitis can prevent a person from doing their job properly. Fortunately, most employees of large corporations like McDonald’s are able to claim workers’ compensation when they are injured or become ill while at work.

Genuine work related claims can help to pay for effective medical treatment and replace some, at least, of the wages that might be lost while away from work.

A workers’ compensation lawyer can prove invaluable when considering making a claim for bursitis.

How Bursitis Can Develop While Working at McDonald’s

Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursal sac. These areas are in parts of the body where there is typically a lot of movement between muscles, ligaments and bones.

When the bursal sac becomes inflamed as a result of repetitive movement, lubrication is impaired resulting in often crippling pain.

Bursitis does not develop overnight and is not caused by a single accident or injury. It is something that gradually develops over time.

How to Claim Workers’ Comp from McDonald’s

If you are in pain and believe that the pain has developed or is more acute because of your job, you should inform your workplace supervisor and get examined by a doctor.

Depending on the McDonald’s franchisee’s policy, you may need to see a doctor of their own preference or you may be able to use a doctor of your own choice. Make sure you know what the policy is as this can affect your ability to make a claim later.

The important point is to have your condition diagnosed and follow through with the recommended treatment. As bursitis can be caused by lifestyle activities as well as the conditions at work it is important to have the doctor issue a report with his or her opinion about how the condition was caused.

You will not be able to obtain compensation unless it can be demonstrated to the McDonald’s insurer that the bursitis happened while at work.

Each state has different rules that you must take into account. These determine when you should officially report the bursitis to your employer, when you should make a claim, who you should file your claim with (typically the insurance provider) and how much you can claim.

A successful workers’ compensation payment should cover all related costs of medical treatment, rehabilitation and a percentage of lost earnings, if any. You cannot legally be fired because you have claimed workers’ compensation.

Workers' Comp. for Bursitis While Working at McDonalds

You May Need an Experienced Workers’ Comp. Lawyer

Bursitis is not caused by a recognizable single accident and, in some cases, insurers may be reluctant to make reasonable payments because they do not believe that the condition was caused by a repetitive job.

It is sensible to discuss your bursitis claim with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney before making a claim to ensure you have the best chance of obtaining fair compensation.

In the event of a claim being denied, you will find that the attorney’s legal help will become invaluable when considering appealing.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against McDonald’s, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.