I Got Hurt Working at Lord and Taylor. What Do I Do?*

Working in a luxury retail establishment is enjoyed by many. However, like any other retail establishment, Lord & Taylor employees are at risk of being hurt on the job. If you were hurt on the job, would you be able to pay your monthly expenses?

Is there enough money in your savings account? Could you continue to pay the premium on your health insurance each month?

If your injury was severe and you couldn’t work, could you pay your co-pays and deductible through your health insurance? Being hurt on the job is a real possibility.

Hurt on the Job? You’re Not Alone

If you’re hurt on the job, you have help available. Each state has a law requiring employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance.

This is provided at no cost to you. If you’re hurt during your shift, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim.

It can help you with your medical expenses. If you’re unable to work either temporarily or permanently because of your injury, you may be entitled to receive a portion of your lost wages.

There are other benefits available for injured workers, but to qualify for any of them you must first file a claim.

Company Profile: Lord & Taylor

Lord & Taylor is one of the oldest luxury department stores in America. Its headquarters is in New York City. Lord & Taylor is a subsidiary of Hudson’s Bay Corporation.

Lord & Taylor has 50 locations. They have around 66,000 total employees.

Lord & Taylor Retail Worker's Comp Lawyer

Risks of Working at Lord & Taylor

Working in a retail environment of any sort has risks involved. Your risks will depend on your job description.

Here is a look at some of the common positions available with Lord & Taylor and the associated risks.

Stockroom workers – If you work in the stock room, you’re going to be required to move heavy boxes and pallets with foods. You’ll be required to unpack and shelve items.

Lifting heavy items and pulling on heavy pallets can lead to shoulder, neck, and back injuries.

If you use a ladder, you’re at risk of falling from the ladder and breaking a bone or suffering from a head injury.

Sales clerks – If you work on the floor or have an assigned counter for sales, you can still be injured. If you slip and fall because of a slick spot, you may hit your head or herniate a disc in your back.

Moving goods from place to place and making the same small movements over and over as you complete sales can lead you to develop repetitive stress injury.

This may sound like a minor affair, but it can mean corrective surgery.

If you are hurt during your shift at Lord & Taylor, you should not continue to work because this can make your injury work.

Inform your manager right away and ask how you can start your workers’ compensation claim. When you start your claim, ask for a list of medical professionals who can treat you at no charge.

Learn More About Your Legal Rights

If you’re hurt on the job, you need to understand your legal rights. You should contact a workers’ compensation lawyer to learn more.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Lord & Taylor, you may not be entitled to any compensation.