How to Prepare for A Workers' Compensation Suit Against Family Dollar

Are you an employee of Family Dollar who was injured while at work? If that is the case, you are eligible to file a claim for workers' compensation benefits. Workers' compensation is a special insurance that most employers are required to cover to protect their employees in the event of workplace accidents. Workers' compensation includes medical benefits and covers a portion of your average weekly wages while you recover from your injuries.

Documentation to Support Your Workers' Compensation Claim

As an example scenario of an accident you could suffer while working at Family Dollar, you were stocking shelves when a case of glasses broke and caused severe cuts to your hands and forearm. You will need to keep all evidence and documentation to support your claim for workers' compensation benefits.

  • Be sure to ask any witnesses to the accident to provide written statements detailing what they saw. Ask them to include their name and contact details as well as the date, time, and location of the accident. The more details the better.
  • Keep all the medical evidence that details your injury, treatment, and recovery. These documents include medical records, surgical notes, physical therapy records, emergency room reports, and prescription records.
  • Prepare your own written statement about your accident. Provide as many details as possible. Do this as soon as possible after the accident while it is still fresh in your mind.
  • Get copies of the accident report. Your employer is required to complete an accident report. If 911 is called law enforcement will also complete a report. If that is the case, get a copy of that report as well.
  • Take photos of any injuries. If there are bruises, cuts, or broken bones get pictures. Get pictures of any casts, bandages, or medical devices in use.
  • Use all the documentation you have gathered to create a timeline of the accident and your injury, your medical treatment, and the recovery process. This timeline will be beneficial when you file your workers' compensation claim for benefits.

Family Dollar Worker's Comp Lawyer

Giving a Deposition

If your claim for workers' compensation claim cannot be successfully settled, you will need to give a deposition. When you give a deposition you need to appear professionally and respond truthfully and honestly to all questions. Your employer's lawyers will ask a variety of questions about your background, your injury, the accident, and so forth. Your workers' compensation attorney can help you prepare for your deposition.

Consult With a Workers' Compensation Attorney

If you have suffered an injury while working at Family Dollar, you should consult with a workers' compensation attorney before filing a claim for benefits. Because workers' compensation claims are complicated, you should ensure you have experienced legal representation protecting your rights and working for you. Your lawyer won't be paid until you get compensated for your claim, so there is nothing to lose. Time is limited as a statute of limitations does apply.

Additional Resources

Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Family Dollar, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.