I Got Hurt Working at Barneys. What Do I Do?

Even shops that cater to people interested in luxury goods and apparel have risks associated with them. You may enjoy going to your job at Barneys each and every day. Yet, you should think about something important.

Do you have enough in savings to pay your monthly expenses if you are hurt on the job? An on-the-job injury can be a very serious matter. Even if you have health insurance, it may not be as helpful as you may think.

If you’re unable to work because of your injury, your health insurance may be dropped.

You also may not be able afford copays and deductibles.

Workers’ Compensation Helps Injured Workers

Workers’ compensation is a safety net for workers who get hurt on the job. It is required by state law for most employers. There’s no charge to workers to file a claim and receive benefits.

If you’re hurt during your shift at Barneys and file a workers’ compensation claim, you may be eligible to receive benefits. The benefits that you may qualify to receive will vary depending upon the severity of your injury.

One of the most common benefits is receiving assistance for medical expenses. This can include visits to a medical clinic, emergency treatment, a hospital stay, surgery, medication, therapy, and other required care.

If you’re unable to work either temporarily or permanently, you may qualify to receive a portion of your lost wages. In extreme scenarios that prevent you from returning to your previous occupation, you may qualify to receive occupational training.

Barneys Worker's Comp Lawyer

Company Profile: Barneys

Barneys is an upscale retail establishment specializing in designer handbags, shoes, and clothing for both men and women. Barneys is headquartered in New York City.

There are 29 locations in the United States. Some locations sell only goods while others also include restaurants and hair studios.

Risks to Barneys Employees

Working a Barneys can be a pleasant experience for anyone who enjoys being around the finer things in life. However, like any job, there are risks.

The risks you face during your scheduled shift at Barneys will largely depend on your responsibilities.

Hair salon worker – Those who work in hair salons located within Barneys face specific risks. Working with scissors and razors can be dangerous.

It really does just take a small slip or accidently dropping them to result in a cut. Working with chemicals can cause burns to your skin, eyes, ears, nose, throat, and even your lungs.

Constant exposure to certain chemicals can cause permanent injury.

Retail workers – Working in sales or working at the register at Barneys isn’t without its risks. A small slick spot or wet spot on the floor can lead to a slip and fall for you that results in devastating back, neck, or head injuries.

Performing the same small motions over and over again can cause permanent painful injuries that are known as repetitive stress injuries.

Restaurant workers – Those who work in restaurants within Barneys locations are at risk as well.

Food prep can lead to burns from a stove or oven or cuts from extremely sharp knives. Slipping on flour or water in the floor can result in severe injuries as well.

Learn About Your Rights Under the Law

Regardless of your job description at Barneys, you have legal rights if you are hurt on the job. It’s important that you know and understand your legal rights.

Take the time to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Barney's, you may not be entitled to any compensation.