Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation FAQs

Submitted by emm on

Every year, employees throughout Pennsylvania suffer from work-related injuries. If this happens to you, workers' compensation covers medical care, lost wages, and specific loss benefits until you’re ready to go back to work.

Although it provides invaluable support, the Pennsylvania workers’ comp system can be tricky to navigate.

This article answers frequently asked questions about how to apply for workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania, collect the right evidence, and respond to a denial. We also explain how a workers’ comp lawyer can help.

How Do I File For Workers’ Compensation in Pennsylvania?

Injured workers in Pennsylvania often have questions about filing for worker's compensation. Understanding the PA workers' compensation claims process will increase your chances of receiving benefits to cover your medical care and wages until you recover. Here are the steps you'll need to take:

  • Seek medical attention: Get medical attention as soon as possible. Make sure you mention the job-related injury, so the documentation process can begin. You may be required to select a doctor from an employer-approved list within the first 90 days. After that, you can choose your own physician.
  • Report the injury to your employer:In the event of a work-related injury, you must notify your employer within 120 days.
  • Gather evidence:Gather as much evidence as you can. An employer report, medical records, and statements from witnesses are all examples of documentation that support your claim.
  • File a claim:To begin the process, your employer must submit a First Report of Injury. You have three years from the date of injury to file a petition with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry if your employer denies or fails to act on your claim.
  • What Evidence Do I Need For My Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Claim?

    When you file for workers' compensation in Pennsylvania, you need documentation that proves the extent of your work-related injury and the losses you suffered as a result. This includes but may not be limited to your report to your employer, medical records, and contact information of any witnesses who saw what happened.

    What Happens If I Am Denied Workers’ Compensation in Pennsylvania?

    If your claim for workers' compensation benefits is denied, you can file a Claim Petition with the Bureau of Workers' Compensation.

    A judge for the Bureau will review your claim and decide whether your appeal should be approved or denied. It is at this stage that many injured workers opt to seek a lawyer's help with their claim.

    Should I Speak to a Lawyer About My Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Claim?

    While some Pennsylvania workers' comp cases are straightforward, others are more complicated or end in an unfair denial. If you have been injured on the job or diagnosed with a work-related illness, you may need a lawyer's help with your claim.

    With so much riding on the outcome (living expenses, access to medical care) it’s worth it to get a free case evaluation from a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyer. To learn more or discuss next steps, reach out to an attorney in your area today.