Benefits After Being Injured Operating a Cardboard Baler

Thousands of workers are hurt on the job every year. If you have suffered injuries at work while operating a cardboard baler, you should be eligible to file a claim for workers' compensation benefits. While states set their own laws regarding workers' compensation, most employers across the country are required to have workers' compensation coverage for their workers.

Workers' compensation offers medical benefits coverage to cover the cost of medical care for the injury. Workers' comp also pays a portion of the lost wages while the injured worker is unable to work. When the worker cannot return to the same job, vocational retraining might be covered by workers' compensation.

What is a Cardboard Baler?

A cardboard baler is used in a variety of industries for recycling purposes. They are used in schools, manufacturing, retail outlets, retail stores, and recycling facilities. The machines crush and compact cardboard into bale form. There are horizontal and vertical cardboard balers.

The machines compact the cardboard to reduce the amount of cardboard and paper stored on site so not as much space is used. These machines press or compact the stacks of cardboard into much smaller stacks so they do not take up as much space. They are usually placed in a backroom or a place out of the way so they aren't accessed by everyone.

Injuries Suffered When Operating a Cardboard Baler

If you are operating a cardboard baler, you could suffer injuries. As an example, a hand, hair, or clothing could be caught in the machinery and cause injuries, such as broken or crushed bones, lacerations, or other injuries. If a worker falls into the compressor, death can occur.

Bones can be crushed if the emergency stop is not pressed in time. Here are some injuries that can result from operating a cardboard baler:

  • Crushed bones
  • Amputations
  • Broken bones
  • Internal injuries
  • Spinal Injuries

When using a cardboard baler there are repetitive motions such as lifting and bending that can lead to injuries as well. Some of those injuries include:

Any of these injuries can require ongoing medical care and require extensive absences from work. The medical bills can add up fast with one injury costing tens of thousands of dollars.

Medical expenses include hospitalizations, surgeries, physical therapy, physical rehabilitation, prescription drugs, medical devices, and other medically necessary care and equipment. A workers' compensation claim might help you during this time.

Consult With a Workers' Compensation Attorney

If you have been injured while operating a cardboard baler, you should consult with a workers' compensation attorney. A workers' compensation attorney can handle the entire process from the initial filing of the claim to appealing any denials to getting benefits started or reinstated.

Your attorney is familiar with all aspects of workers' compensation law, so he or she will know which benefits you are entitled to receive and will ensure you are given fair treatment by your employer and their insurance company. Call to schedule a free case evaluation with a workers' compensation lawyer today.