Tips for Applying For Workers Compensation for a Torn Meniscus

Submitted by pec on

If you have experienced a torn meniscus due to the activity you were engaged in at work, you may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim. This is because most employees are covered by workers’ compensation insurance in their workplaces. As long as there is evidence available to prove the illness or injury was due to the work environment then an employee should be eligible for workers’ compensation for the period when returning to work won’t take place. The following are some tips to help you apply for workers’ comp. for an employment related torn meniscus.

Tip#1: Seek Medical Attention for the Torn Meniscus

When you have been diagnosed with a torn meniscus it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. A torn meniscus can often be diagnosed during a physical examination. Your doctor may move your knee and leg into different positions, watch you walk, and ask you to squat to help pinpoint the precise cause of your symptoms. You should make sure you see a physician that is approved for workers’ compensation medical examinations.

Tip#2 :Get Diagnostic Tests to Confirm a Torn Meniscus

Obtain documentation that you have been diagnosed with a torn meniscus. Because a torn meniscus is made of cartilage, it won't show up on X-rays. However, X-rays can help eliminate other problems with the knee that have similar symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) produces detailed images of both hard and soft tissues within your knee so it’s the best method to detect a torn meniscus.

In some cases, your physician may use an instrument called an arthroscope to examine the inside of your knee. It is inserted through a tiny incision near your knee. It contains a light and a small camera, which transmits an enlarged image of the inner part of your knee onto a monitor. If necessary, surgical instruments may be inserted through the arthroscope or through additional small incisions in your knee which can trim or repair the torn meniscus.

Tip#3: Notify Your Employer

Report the incident to your employer so they can fill out an incident report. This may be required by the state’s workers’ compensation board or its equivalent.

Tip#4: Jot Down Some Notes About the Accident

Take notes about how the accident happened and what caused it. You can also take photos of what you think caused your torn meniscus.

Tip#5: Maintain Documentation That Supports Your Claim

When you are going through the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim you should ensure you keep any documentation relating to your torn meniscus. This includes:

  • medical documents;
  • witness statements;
  • physician’s notes;
  • document missed working time due to injury.

Tip#6: Continue With Follow Up Care

While you are waiting for the results of your workers compensation claim you should continue to see your doctor so that you can make a full recovery.

Tip#7: Consult With a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Fill out the Free Case Evaluation to get connected with an independent attorney who subscribes to the website and may be able to help with your case. Your attorney will make sure you have the right evidence that supports your claim for workers compensation.