Workers' Compensation Attorneys in Idaho

Were you working in Idaho when you suffered a serious injury that has left you unable to work? Have your symptoms been diagnosed with an occupational disease or illness? If that is indeed the case, you might be eligible to file a claim for workers' compensation benefits. Most U.S. employers are required to maintain the special insurance coverage for their employees at no additional charge. Workers' compensation includes medical benefits coverage and takes care of a portion of lost wages while the worker is unable to work. States set their own workers' comp laws, so coverage may vary.

How Many Workers' Compensation Attorneys Are In Idaho?

Avvo reported that Idaho had 101 workers' compensation attorneys as of February 2018, but the number was probably higher. These are attorneys who are familiar with helping workers recover compensation and benefits for their work-related injuries and occupational illnesses and diseases.

Because of how workers' compensation laws vary from one state to another, you should enlist the help of a lawyer from the state where you were injured so you can make sure you have representation in court and so you have a lawyer who is familiar with the state laws. Your medical expenses will add up quickly, so you definitely need to file a workers' comp claim so you can ensure you have access to the medical care that you need.

What Can An Idaho Workers' Compensation Attorney Do For Me?

If an on the job accident or work-related illness has impacted your life, you need to get a workers' compensation claim filed in a timely manner. While you are unable to work, your family will face financial difficulty because they depend on your paycheck. Your medical bills will be mounting and your bills will need to be paid. Workers' compensation can be challenging because claims can be denied or benefits stopped.

As an example, your employer might allege that your back injury from when you fell off a ladder in the stockroom was actually a pre-existing condition that didn't happen at work. Your lawyer will file an appeal and contest that.

Workers' Compensation Attorneys in Idaho

Where Are Idaho Courthouses?

Not all cases are filed in the same court. Instead, different courts are needed. Here are some Idaho courts:

Ada County Courthouse
200 W Front Street
Boise, ID 83702
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Idaho County District Court
320 W Main Street #23
Grangeville, ID 83530
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Idaho Supreme Court
451 W State Street
Boise, ID 83702
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Speak With An Attorney Today!

If you are suffering because of a work injury or illness, you should consult with a workers' compensation attorney today. In Idaho, there is no time limit to file your initial claim but you have one year from the date of the last payment if benefits were paid more than four years. Your attorney will gather up documentation and build a strong case so negotiations can get underway with the insurance company and your employer. Complete the case evaluation form on this page to get connected to a local workplace injury lawyer.

Additional Resources

Filing for Workers' Comp in Idaho
Denied Workers' Comp in Idaho