What is a Permanent Disability?

If it has been determined that you have an injury that will cause permanent physical or mental impairment, then you may receive a workers’ compensation award. Permanent disability ratings are used to determine the extent of impairment which has occurred.

These rating describe the severity of the impairment and are very important for determining the amount of the workers’ comp monetary award you will receive. The rating describes the extent of permanent injury that was caused due to your workplace injury or illness.

How Does a Permanent Disability Affect My Claim?

If you have a permanent disability, it's likely you'll be entitled to more workers' compensation benefits than otherwise. This is especially true if you're able to prove that you can no longer perform work you did before, or cannot even maintain employment due to your workplace injury.

Permanent disabilities are serious, and workers' compensation benefits are often awarded accordingly.

Why is it Beneficial to Have an Attorney?

An attorney can help you during the determination process. A workers' comp lawyer can ensure that the workers’ comp review board receives copies of all your medical records. Your workers' comp attorney can possibly help introduce independent medical records for review if you disagree with the findings of the doctors on your company’s approved medical panel. Your workers' comp lawyer will help present your case so you will receive the most accurate rating possible so you can collect the maximum amount of benefits to which you are entitled.

The process of determining permanent disability can be long and complicated and it helps to have your own legal counsel to represent your interests during this process. You may want to have agreements reviewed and explained to you in detail before you accept the terms being offered.

As these cases and determination are complicated, it helps to have an attorney on your side to help guide you through the process so it goes smoothly and is as least stressful to you as possible. It can give you greater peace of mind just knowing you have someone looking out for you.

Speak with a workers' compensation attorney today by filling out our Free Case Evaluation.