Have You Been Hurt at Work?

In a perfect world none of us fall victim to injury or illness as a result of our jobs. We go to work day in and day out to earn a paycheck that will help us make ends meet. Unfortunately, in some cases, a work-related injury or illness can interfere with this ability to earn a paycheck. The good news is that worker’s comp benefits are there to help employees who have been hurt at work stay on their feet financially during the time they are unable to maintain their work activities.

If you have been hurt at work you must file a worker’s comp claim within a specified period of time in order to qualify for workers comp benefits. A good rule of thumb is to apply for these benefits as soon as you realize you have a workers compensation case. The longer you wait to file for benefits, the harder it may be to actually obtain the benefits you are entitled to.

If you have been hurt at work you may think that your employer has your best interests in mind and will openly provide you with all of the benefits you are entitled to. Unfortunately, this isn’t always how things play out. Many insurance companies and employers put their own interests before the best interests of their employees. In cases like this, you may have to fight for your workerman’s comp benefits. Because of this, it is in your best interest to retain the services of a worker’s comp attorney if you have been hurt at work.

Fortunately a worker’s comp attorney does not have to cost an arm and a leg. These attorneys often work on a contingency basis, making the proper legal help affordable to those who have been hurt at work and need workers comp assistance.

If you would like to know whether or not you qualify for benefits, please fill out the free evaluation form to talk to a workers compensation attorney in your area.