I Had a Herniated Disc Injury Working at Walmart

A slipped disc, also known as a herniated disc, is a common work related injury wherever workers are required to be on their feet a lot of the time, bending over to stack shelves, move heavy items around and lift large, awkward loads.

At Walmart and other large department stores these sorts of injuries are common in the warehouse departments and amongst store workers who routinely have to keep shelves filled with store goods.

Walmart employees are protected by the company’s workers’ compensation insurance. An injured employee must follow the procedure carefully to obtain compensation for the cost of medical treatment and lost earnings because the pain is so intense that treatment must take place at home. A workers’ comp. attorney can help with processing a claim or dealing with an appeal against a denied claim.

How Herniated Disc Injuries can Occur at Work

Herniated discs are typical injuries that occur to those who are constantly bending over and lifting heavy items. They can occur in many large stores like Walmart. These injuries are particularly painful and do not just get better if the employee stays at work. They need days, sometimes weeks, of recovery. They may need pain medication, massage, physical therapy and in some extreme cases, surgery.

The pain is caused when a piece of ‘disc’ or cartilage slips out from its proper position between two vertebrae. The part of the disc that is protruding then presses against, or pinches, one of the nerves that lie within the backbone. The pain eventually goes away when the disc is coaxed or naturally returns to its natural position. It is best when the employee returns to work to be more careful when they bend and lift heavy items.

Filing a WC Claim For a Herniated Disc Against Walmart

If you intend filing a claim because of a herniated disc injury, you must first make sure you know what the rules are for filing a claim. Let your Walmart supervisor know that you are off work because of an injury that occurred at work. In some states, there is very little time allowed to do this, so make sure that your injury is officially recorded as soon as possible.

Find out whether your injury needs to be diagnosed by a Walmart preferred doctor and how treatment should be provided. Sometimes, an insurer has deals with certain medical providers. Other insurers may allow you to use your own doctor and hospital or medical clinic.

Document everything related to your injury, especially costs you have had to bear. If your claim is denied, usually because insurers refuse to acknowledge that the injury is work related, see a workers’ comp. attorney for legal help.

A Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help You With Your Claim

You may find that your claim is denied, despite the overwhelming evidence that you developed the herniated disc at work. See an attorney before filing a submission to avoid a denied claim. An attorney can help ensure you prepare your claim properly and will work on your behalf if you need to appeal a negative decision by Walmart’s insurer.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Walmart, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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