Can I Request An Extension Of The Starting Date Of My Light Duty Work With My Employer?

If you have suffered a workplace injury and filed a workers’ compensation claim, you might have been out of work for a while. You might be told you can now return to work, but it must be light duty. If your employer has a light duty job available for you that meets your medical restrictions, you will be required to take the role or lose workers’ compensation benefits.

Usually, your employer will set a start date within the next few days for you to begin working in the light duty role if such position is available. If you feel unready or unable to return at this point, you might wonder if you are able to postpone your start date or request an extension on the starting date of the light duty work.

If your physician has indicated you are ready and able, then no, requesting an extension would result in the loss of workers’ compensation benefits. You could request FMLA, if you are eligible, and extend your time off but without pay.

Postponing Light Duty Work

If you believe you are unable to return to light duty work because of your injuries, you should consult with your healthcare provider. Explain your concerns so they can be properly addressed.

Otherwise, you should report to work as ordered, and, if you experience problems then you should notify your doctor or seek a second opinion. Sometimes there are more problems than initially realized or the healing might not have taken place as the provider had previously believed.

If you don’t obey the doctor’s orders and follow the workers’ compensation guidelines, you will lose access to benefits. That means that you might end up paying for any future medical care yourself because your claim will be dismissed, and all benefits stopped. Therefore, you shouldn’t ask for an extension or decline the opportunity for light duty work without consulting with a workplace injury lawyer first.

Can I Request An Extension Of The Starting Date Of My Light Duty Work With My Employer?

Consult With A Workers’ Compensation Attorney

If you have suffered a workplace injury and pursued a workers’ compensation claim, but you are now released to return to light duty work but believe you need an extension, you should consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer who is licensed in your state.

A workers’ compensation attorney can determine the best way to proceed with your claim, ensure you get the medical care that you need, and determine the best way to proceed with your claim.

Every state has a statute of limitations for pursuing a claim, so don’t wait too late. Workplace injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, so you have nothing to lose. Your attorney will not get paid until compensation is recovered for you through a settlement.

Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form today to have the details of your case reviewed by a workers’ compensation attorney who practices workplace injury law in your area. Don’t wait until it is too late to claim benefits.

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