Can I File a Claim?

Filing a Claim

Workplace accidents are inevitable. Especially in industries that require high-activity manual labor. We do everything we can to avoid them, but humans aren’t perfect. We make mistakes. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation that one of these mistakes causes injury and/or forces you to miss work, you may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation.

Determining if your individual situation qualifies for workers compensation can be difficult which is why we always suggest you consult an attorney before proceeding.

How an Attorney Can Help

The party at fault, the severity of the injury, and the capacity in which you are working are all factors that could affect your claim. For instance, it is possible to file a claim for injuries that occurred away from your base of operations or even if you are at fault.

However, the difficulty is that you are tasked with proving that the injury would not have happened had it not been for work. This is where the attorney and their expertise comes in. An Attorney knows exactly where to look to provide the right evidence that your injuries were related to work.

More Specific Questions About Filing Your Claim

Your attorney will be able to answer any additional questions you have along the way. For now, here are some FAQs about filing a workers’ compensation claim: