Can I File a Claim for Cracked Ribs While Working at Lowe’s*?

If you are an employee of Lowe’s who suffered cracked ribs in a workplace accident, you are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. When you suffer cracked ribs, you will have severe pain. While a cracked rib is not as dangerous as a broken rib, they will lead to serious restrictions and limitations in your ability to perform tasks.

Cracked ribs are caused by a strong blow to the chest, such as being hit by a piece of equipment or heavy box or from a fall. Most employers, such as Lowe’s, are required to maintain workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees. Workers’ compensation includes medical benefits, which cover the costs of your medical care while you are recovering, and it covers about two-thirds of your regular salary while you are recovering.

Here are a few tips for filing a claim for workers’ compensation for cracked ribs while working at Lowe’s:

  1. First, you will need to get medical attention. There should be a list of approved workers’ compensation physicians posted in a visible location at your Lowe’s location. Usually, this list is by a time clock or in a breakroom. If you don’t see it, your manager can provide you with a copy.
  2. You will need to get x-rays or other diagnostic tests as ordered by your treating physician. These tests will confirm the diagnosis of cracked ribs and will help the doctor determine a treatment plan and decide how long you will be off from work.
  3. As soon as possible, notify the proper supervisor or manager at Lowe’s about your injury. This could be a human resources representative or a direct supervisor. This must be done in a timely manner.
  4. Complete an accident report at Lowe’s. You will have to provide precise details about your accident and how your cracked ribs took place. Try to remember as many details as possible. Make sure you get a copy of this accident report as completed by Lowe’s.
  5. Make sure all witnesses to your accident give accounts of what they witnessed to the proper entities at Lowe’s for inclusion in the accident report.
  6. Keep all documentation to support your Lowe’s workers’ compensation claim for your cracked ribs. You will need to keep copies of medical records, document missed work, copies of statements from witnesses, and a copy of any accident report.
  7. Continue with any necessary follow-up care, so you will properly recover from your injuries.
  8. Consult with a workers’ compensation attorney about your workers’ compensation claim for cracked ribs while working at Lowe’s. Many legitimate claims are denied, so don’t risk losing access to the benefits that you need after a workplace accident.

Can I File a Claim for Cracked Ribs While Working at Lowe’s*?

Consult with a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form on this page. Your details will be shared with a workers’ compensation attorney in your area, who will review your claim and determine the best way for you to proceed. A statute of limitations does apply, so don’t wait until it is too late to file your claim.

Additional Resources

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Lowe’s, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.