Help! I was Hurt Working for Pinnacle Linemen Company!*

Did you suffer an on-the-job injury while working your shift at Pinnacle Linemen Company? If you did, you may be eligible to file a claim for workers’ comp benefits. Most employers in the United States are required to have workers’ compensation coverage in some form or another. It is a special insurance that provides medical benefits and compensates for a portion of your lost wages because of a work-related injury or illness.

Workers’ comp claims are complicated and time consuming, so you should consult with a workers’ compensation attorney before filing your initial claim. Your odds of a favorable settlement are much better with the help of an attorney.

Company Profile: Pinnacle Linemen Company

Pinnacle Linemen Company is a company of elite linemen who focus on building North America’s electrical infrastructure. The company provides clients with turn-key programs for supplying linemen and line crew members to address power line projects and take care of the unique environment of power line construction. The company has a team of highly experienced employees and incorporates a process that is effective for recruiting and vetting the most qualified candidates available for the job. Pinnacle is a privately held company that has less than 200 employees.

Pinnacle Linemen Company Workers' Compensation

Hurt While at Work?

If you were working your shift as a lineman with Pinnacle Linemen Company helping to restore electricity after Hurricane Matthew and you slipped and fell from storm debris injuring your leg, you may be eligible to file a workers’ comp claim to recover your medical expenses and a portion of your lost wages. Regardless of your experience and the safety protocol, you can be injured while on the job.

If you suffer an injury while on-the-job, you should immediately notify your supervisor so an accident report can be completed. You should get medical help as quickly as possible, and call 911 for an ambulance if necessary.

Burns or Shocks: As a lineman, you are working with electricity. Despite the precautions, you could still suffer serious burns or shocks that require in-depth medical care. Workers’ comp may be able to help you in these situations.

Crushed Bones: If heavy equipment or tools fall on you, you can suffer serious internal injuries and crushed bones. These may require surgical intervention and rehabilitation services to fully recover.

Head Trauma: A fall from a utility pole or a bucket is a high drop. If you experience such a fall and suffer head trauma, you may have a recovery that takes months. From the initial hospitalization to the rehabilitation and therapy, you have a long road ahead of you. Workers’ comp may be able to help you during this time.

Consult with a Workers’ Comp Attorney

If you have suffered an injury while at work, you should consult with a workers’ comp attorney. A workers’ comp attorney can handle the entire process from the initial claim to the settlement negotiations. If any appeals need to be filed, an attorney would be needed to handle that as well. With an attorney, the process will flow much more smoothly and your odds of a successful claim are improved significantly.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Pinnacle Linemen Company, you may not be entitled to any compensation.