Pacific Gas and Electric Worker's Compensation*

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) is one of the largest combination electric and natural gas utilities in the nation. They provide service to approximately 16 million customers in Northern and Central California.

They provide a good living for many people. Good pay and insurance doesn’t guarantee that people have a savings account.

If you were injured out in the field or in the office, would you be able to provide for your family? What would happen if you couldn’t make your house payment?

The States Protect Injured Workers

Every state legally requires most employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance.

It acts as a safety net for employees. If you are injured on the job, workers’ compensation can assist you in getting the medical care that you need.

Severe injuries can often leave an employee unable to work; workers’ compensation may also help to provide for a portion of lost wages.

Company Profile: Pacific Gas & Electric

PG&E Corporation is an investor-owned electric utility company and one of three regulated utilities companies in California. They are headquartered in San Francisco, California. They have over 19,000 employees.

Pacific Gas and Electric Workers' Comp Lawyer

Risks for Pacific Gas & Electric Employees

There are many risks involved for employees of Pacific Gas & Electric, but they largely depend upon the assigned tasks of the employees. For instance, technicians and linemen are at risk of falling from a ladder, getting sick because of gas leaks, being shocked, car accidents, and being attacked by animals.

Electrocution is a serious injury. It can kill. It can cause people to fall and hit their head or break a bone.

Car wrecks can cause devastating injuries such as a broken neck. Animal bites can get infected. Sone animals have rabies and that can present a huge problem.

Customer Service may slip and fall at work. They may develop repetitive stress injury.

A slip and fall can cause a minor issue or it can permanently disable someone. If you slip and hit your head, you could end up with a traumatic brain injury. Repetitive stress injury can stop you from doing your job from pain or numbness.

If You Get Hurt on Your Shift

If you get hurt on your shift, you should stop what you’re doing. Don’t wait until the end of your shift to inform your supervisor. If you are in a wreck, are shocked, bitten by a dog, fall from a ladder, or hit your head, call 911.

These are medical emergencies. Also, inform your supervisor. Wet spots can be cleaned up by your manager to protect your coworkers.

Talk with your manager about the steps you should take to file your workers’ compensation claim. This will also involve completing an accident report.

If you called 911, a responding officer will give you a report number. You can get a report from the police station at a later date.

It is important that you get medical help even if you believe your injury isn’t serious. However, if you believe you do have a serious injury, go to an emergency room.

The workers’ comp policy will list a doctor that you can see with no charge. If you prefer to see your personal doctor, you may need to pay out of pocket for your visit.

Learn About Your Rights Under the Law

As an injured worker, you have rights under the law. Do not sign anything without first talking with an attorney because doing so may cause you to sign away your rights. You should talk with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to learn more.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Pacific Gas & Electric, you may not be entitled to any compensation.