Help! I was hurt working at Mr. Hero!*

The possibility of work-related injuries is real, and hundreds of people suffer injuries while working every day. Even if you follow all safety protocol and work as safely as possible, you can still be hurt seriously. Your medical bills can quickly add up, and you are missing out on work because of your injuries so you aren't bringing home a paycheck like you usually do. You are caught in a real financial bind, and you don't know where to turn.

You might be eligible to file a claim against Mr. Hero for workers' comp benefits. Workers' comp benefits offers medical coverage and also reimburses for a portion of your lost wages. Because of the complexity of the workers' comp claims process, you should consult with a workers' comp attorney before pursuing Mr. Hero workers' compensation.

Company Profile: Mr. Hero

A submarine sandwich chain in Northeast Ohio, Mr. Hero opened its doors in Cleveland, Ohio in 1965. The early stores were family-run, and as the expansion continued, there were stores operated under the name Mr. Philly in the 1980s and 1990s. Using the slogan, "Prepared Fresh for You!," the chain is famous for its Romanburger. This sandwich includes tomato, lettuce, onions, original oil and spices, Swiss-American cheese, mayonnaise, Italian lunch meat, and two beef patties.

Customer meals are cooked and prepared fresh, right after the order has been placed. It remains a privately owned sandwich chain and has locations as far away as Toledo.

Potential Injuries That Could Occur

Working in a restaurant can be a hazardous position. At Mr. Hero, you can suffer burns from frying up the beef patties. You can get cut slicing up vegetables for sandwich toppings. Serious injuries can also result from slip-and-fall accidents because of slices of vegetables that have fallen onto the floor. Lifting boxes of lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and cases of meat can lead to back injuries. Any of these injuries can result in the need for ongoing medical care and result in extremely high medical costs.

In the kitchen, you can suffer deep cuts from knives or operating the meat slicer preparing the meat into the right sized slices for Mr. Hero subs. Minor injuries that may result in less time off and fewer medical bills include bruises and scrapes. You can suffer serious injuries that require months, or even years, of treatment.

Consult with a Workers' Comp Attorney

If you were injured working at Mr. Hero, you might be eligible to file a claim against Mr. Hero for workers' comp benefits. The claims process, however, is complicated so you should consult with a workers' comp attorney. Your attorney can handle the entire process, from filing the claim for Mr. Hero workers' comp benefits to filing any appeals after claims have been denied.

Your attorney will ensure your rights are protected while helping you recover your losses from your injury suffered on the job. Consult with a workers' comp attorney as soon as possible after you have suffered an injury.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Mr. Hero or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.