Help! I was Hurt Working for Maxxam Inc.*

Technology is great. Many people even work in the field that makes our lives so much easier. Yet, there are still people that do the jobs that give us the things that we need. One of those career paths is a lumberjack.

Lumberjacks work in dangerous environments and with dangerous tools that provide us with the wood that we need for our lives, homes, and businesses. It’s a career choice that makes all of us take notice and yet very few of us would be willing to do.

If you’re hurt on the job as a lumberjack, would you be able to take care of your family? Even if you have health insurance, you may not be prepared. Could you pay large deductibles and copays? An on the job injury, especially if you can’t work, can be devastating.

How Workers’ Compensation May Help You

Each state in the United States has a law that says most employers must provide a workers’ compensation policy to help protect their workers if they are hurt on the job. If you’re hurt on the job as a lumberjack, you may file a workers’ compensation claim in order to receive benefits.

Maxxam Inc. Workers' Compensation

Workers’ compensation benefits that you may receive will depend on your injury. The most common workers’ compensation benefits include help with medical expenses (including prescriptions and doctors’ visits), job training, physical therapy, and even help with a partial payment of your lost wages if you cannot work either temporarily or permanently. This list isn’t an exhaustive look at benefits.

To file a workers’ compensation claim, speak with your supervisor or with someone in the Human Resources department. Ask for a list of doctors who can treat you without any cost.

Company Profile: Maxxam Inc.

Maxxam Incorporated is headquartered in Houston, Texas. They are involved in many industries, one of those being the lumber industry. They have locations in the United States and in Canada. They around 2,500 employees.

Risks Faced By Maxxam Inc. Employees

Risks of being hurt on the job depends on the duties of the worker. Working as a lumberjack or in a sawmill has serious risks associated with it. The list below isn’t all-inclusive. Think about what you do each day as a lumberjack for Maxxam Inc., and you’ll be able to determine other risks to your safety.

Repetitive stress injury – It may seem minor, but repetitive stress injury can be serious. Imagine being in so much pain in your hands, wrists, elbows, or knees that you could no longer work. Repetitive stress injury is a risk to lumberjacks. It is caused by performing the same motions for long periods of time. You may need surgery or you may no longer be able to work in your field.

Accidents with saws and axes – Walking on uneven ground produces a risk of tripping. Landing on your saw or ax can cause extreme injuries even if you land on the handle. Cuts may be minor or they may rupture an artery. Landing on the handle can damage your organs.

Learn about Your Rights

As an injured worker, you have legal rights. If you are hurt on the job at Maxxam Inc., you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim. If you have questions about your legal rights or if you want to make sure that you’re getting the benefits that you deserve, contact a qualified workers’ compensation lawyer.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Maxxam Inc., you may not be entitled to any compensation.