Help! I was Hurt Working for Lehman's Hardware!*

Are you an employee of Lehman’s Hardware who suffered an injury while working? You could be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim for your accident and your injuries. Injuries suffered by workers at Lehman’s Hardware may be covered by workers’ compensation.

Most companies in the United States are required to have workers’ compensation coverage, which is a special insurance, to protect their employees while working on the job. Workers’ comp offers medical benefits coverage plus pays a portion of lost wages while you focus on healing from your injury. Because dealing with the insurance adjusters can be challenging, you should consult with a workers’ compensation attorney before filing your claim.

Company Profile: Lehman’s Hardware

A retail store in Kidron, Ohio, Lehman’s Hardware initially specialized in products that were used by the Amish community. It has become worldwide as a source to purchase non-electric goods. The 35,000-square-foot retail establishment bills itself as a low-tech superstore and a purveyor of historical technology, which are reflections of the store’s motto, “Simpler Products for a Simpler Life.”

Lehman's Hardware Workers' Compensation

The building is a quarter-mile long and is made from the remnants of a log cabin, three pre-Civil War buildings, and a hand-hewn barn. The company also maintains a smaller traditional hardware store in Mount Hope, Ohio as well as a catalog and online business.

Suffering an Injury While at Work

If you were working your shift at Lehman’s Hardware and you suffered a slip and fall injury which hurt your back, you may be eligible to file a workers’ comp claim to recoup lost wages and your medical expenses. All jobs have inherent risks. As soon as you realize you have been hurt at work, you should notify a supervisor right away so an accident report can be filed.

You should make sure you give a detailed statement of the event. Also, seek immediate medical care from the nearest healthcare provider. Check with your supervisor to see if there is a list of physicians you must choose from for your care.

Falls from Ladders – You can suffer a serious on-the-job injury when you fall from a ladder. Falling a few feet onto the ground can cause broken bones, head trauma, and spinal injuries. These injuries can leave you hospitalized for a while.

Crushed Bones – Crushed fingers, hands, or feet can happen when heavy tools and equipment are dropped. You may suffer crushed bones from boxes of merchandise, tools that are used to repair equipment, or from merchandise such as farming equipment. This can be life-altering injuries.

Consult with a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

When you suffer a work-related injury, you should consult with a workers’ compensation attorney before you file the initial claim. Your attorney will make sure your rights are protected and ensure all the documentation that supports your claim is in order. An attorney can improve the odds of a fair and successful outcome while you can focus on recovering from the accident and getting your life back to normal.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Lehman’s Hardware, you may not be entitled to any compensation.