Help! I Was Hurt Working For Interstate Electrical Contractors!*

Are you an employee of Interstate Electrical Contractors who suffered an injury while working your shift? If so, you may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim. Workers’ compensation is a special insurance that most employers in the United States are required to have on their employees. It offers medical benefits and pays a portion of lost wages resulting from on-the-job injuries or illnesses. Because workers’ comp claims are complicated and time consuming, you should consult with a workers’ compensation attorney to save you time and improve your odds of a successful claim.

Company Profile: Interstate Electrical Contractors

Interstate Electrical Contractors was founded on the core principles of safety, quality, and productivity back in 1984. The company offers services that can be utilized in any existing or new project application. With the knowledge, tools and experience, Interstate Electrical can provide the planning and layout necessary for any complete electrical construction project. The company can take care of substations, distribution, and industrial projects. If it involves electricity, odds are the crew at Interstate Electrical Contractors can take care of the job.

Interstate Electrical Contractors Accident Workers' Comp Lawyer

Hurt on-the-job?

If you were working your shift at Interstate Electrical Contractors and you suffered severe burns while working on a distribution line, workers’ comp benefits may be able to help you recoup medical costs and lost wages. If you are hurt while at work, you should immediately notify your supervisor or human resources so they can complete an accident report. The report is necessary for you to file your workers’ comp claim. Make sure you give a detailed account of what happened so it is included in the report. You should seek medical treatment right away.

Slip and Fall: If you stepped on something while working and it caused you to slip and fall suffering a serious back injury, you may be unable to work for weeks or even months. The medical costs can quickly add up and you may be unable to work for a while.

Cuts: You can suffer cuts from power lines and tools that are used in the process of performing your job. While some lacerations may be less serious than others and just require sutures and regular cleaning, others may involve tendon and ligament damage.

Back Injuries: Your job may require frequent lifting. Regular lifting can be hard on your back, so you can suffer a herniated disc or some other back issue that may require surgical intervention. You may even require rehabilitation and therapy services.

Consulting with a Workers’ Comp Attorney

Because workers’ comp claims are complicated, you should consult with a workers’ comp attorney before filing your claim. Your attorney can handle the entire process from the initial filing of the claim to appealing any denials and working to negotiate a fair settlement to help you recoup any medical expenses and a part of the wages that you are losing while you are unable to return to work. An attorney can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Interstate Electrical Contractors, you may not be entitled to any compensation.