I Hurt My Ankle While Working at Home Depot*

Home Depot, like many companies, has policies that are meant to keep customers and employees safe. For the most part, it’s uncommon to end up with a lasting injury at Home Depot.

That being said, accidents can and do happen. Hurting your ankle while working at Home Depot is not farfetched, and it’s not something to be ashamed of. If this happened to you, consider filing a workers’ compensation claim. Most companies are required to have workers’ compensation insurance specifically for a scenario like this.

This financial compensation could give you the resources and space that you need to make a full recovery and return to work as soon as possible.

Company Profile: Home Depot

Home Depot is the largest home improvement retailer in the U.S., but like many businesses, it had very humble beginnings. It was founded in Georgia in 1978, and by 1984, there were 19 stores and its sales amounted to over $256 million.

By 2016, the company had 385,000 employees and 2, 274 locations. Home Depot also earned over $88 billion in revenue, a testament to its rapid growth over the years.

An Ankle Injury at Home Depot

It’s not unreasonable to say that an ankle injury could affect just about every aspect of a job that you would have at Home Depot. This kind of injury could affect both active and more sedentary jobs, but the specific ways that it does that are slightly different.

For example, if you work at Home Depot as a retail employee, you might currently be used to walking around the massive stores to find people to help. That isn’t nearly as feasible with an ankle injury because your mobility is much more limited.

However, even a job at Home Depot’s corporate office could be affected by an ankle injury. You may find yourself having a tough time going around examining different stores, and you may also find that the excruciating pain from your injury leaves you completely unable to focus on your work at hand.

No matter what your role is, the wrong kind of injury can make your job nearly impossible to do.

Injured at Home Depot?

What You Could Get From a Claim

Glassdoor indicates that a sales associate at Home Depot earns an average of $11.33 per hour, which comes out to about $1,926 per month. If an ankle injury takes up to four months to recover from, then you could be eligible get more than $7,700 based on salary alone.

That doesn’t take into account what you could get for your medical costs, so you could be able to get even more from a successful claim.

Contact an Attorney

Ending up with an ankle injury while working at Home Depot can be a deeply unpleasant surprise. However, you can recover, and filing a successful workers’ comp claim will put you in the best possible position to do just that.

If you have a workers’ compensation lawyer on your side, you will improve your chances of getting what you need for your healing period. This is because a lawyer has the time, energy, and know-how to advocate on your behalf.

Don’t pass up the opportunity to make your recovery easier-- talk to an attorney as soon as possible to get the ball rolling on your claim.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Home Depot, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.