AERT And Workers' Comp

One of the most important manufacturing sectors in the United States is without a doubt, the construction materials industries. Because of this, many people are employed by companies like Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies.

Like any manufacturing job, there are some risks involved. It's likely that you could be injured. The big, looming question at that point is this: what do you do when that happens?

Workers’ Compensation Can Help

If you’re hurt on your job working for AERT, workers’ compensation can help. If you file a claim, you get help with your medical bills, prescriptions, job training, and other services or things that you need to recover.

The benefits that you may receive will largely depend on the severity of your injury. Most employers are required by state law to provide workers’ compensation insurance.

As an employee, you are eligible to file a claim if you are hurt on the job at no cost to you. If you can’t work either temporarily or permanently, workers’ compensation may also pay a portion of your lost wages.

Company Profile: Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies, Inc.

Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies, Inc., is more commonly known as AERT. The corporation is headquartered in Springdale, Arkansas.

They are a relatively young corporation having only been founded in 1989. They have two locations in Arkansas and one location in Oklahoma.

Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies, Inc. AERT Accident Workers' Comp Lawyer

Risks Faced by AERT Employees

AERT produces a fairly unique product. They take recycled wood and mix it with certain plastics to make outside decking.

Like any job, it has its own unique risks. Your risks will ultimately be determined by your job responsibilities.

There are many risks faced by AERT Employees, including:

  • Risk of burns:

    Regardless of whether you work out in the open with wood or in the facility, you are at risk of suffering from a burn.

    While a minor burn may seem inconsequential, a severe burn can cause infection, disfigurement, loss of limb, or even death.

    AERT was investigated by OSHA in 2009 and 2012. OSHA found dust that could be measured by the inch.

    Allegedly, this fire hazard caused a fire which killed a worker.

  • Work related illness

    Breathing in particles of wood or chemical fumes as part of your regular job can make you ill.

    You could inhale particles that move into your lung. Chemicals can cause your lungs to be burnt.

  • Saw and axe accidents

    – Using a saw or an axe is dangerous business even when you’re being extremely careful. You could accidently hit yourself with an axe and bleed to death, .

    This list of risks and potential injuries for lumberjacks isn’t all-inclusive. You can likely think of risks that you face each day that you’re on the job.

    If you’re hurt, you have the option of filing a workers’ compensation claim.

Questions about Workers’ Compensation?

Employers have a legal responsibility to help protect you as a worker.

If you were hurt on the job at AERT and you have questions about workers’ compensation, you should speak with a qualified workers’ compensation attorney.

You can get answers to your questions and make sure that you’re getting the benefits that you deserve.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies, Inc. or any of its related companies, you may not be entitled to any compensation.